Virscidian Testimonials
Discover how Virscidian's innovative solutions drive success for our customers
“Analytical Studio has become a vital component of our automated synthesis and purification process.”
"Analytical Studio has become a vital component of our automated synthesis and purification processes. It streamlines pre-qc analysis, aids in selecting appropriate focused gradients, and automatically generates prep sample lists, facilitating our automated purification workflow.
Virscidian offers a suite of time-saving tools for users. Instrument agents seamlessly integrate data from various instruments into Analytical Studio, eliminating the need for manual imports. Customizable reports enable quick data review, saving significant time compared to manual methods.
Moreover, Analytical Studio enables us to maintain a unified analytical software environment, regardless of the instrument vendors we work with. The team at Virscidian is world-class, functioning more as partners than mere vendors. They remain accessible for troubleshooting and are quick to provide custom solutions for our specific needs."
“…eliminated the need for hours of manual data processing…”
"When running HTE screening campaigns for reaction optimization a large number of samples must be analyzed within a reasonable time frame. In addition to having robust and fast analytical methods, a fast and reliable data processing method is essential to avoid shifting the bottleneck step from analysis to data processing. In this context, Analytical Studio has proven to be extremely useful for developing automated data processing methods. This includes automated peak identification and integration of analytes of interest, as well as creating standardized reports that contain all relevant information, such as peak integration values, product yields, starting material conversions, chromatograms, and spectroscopic data. By using Analytical Studio, we have eliminated the need for hours of manual data processing and report generation in multiple screening campaigns."
Xisco Caldentey
Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ), The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST)
Linkedin“For over 15 years, Analytical Studio has been delivering our R&D clients analytical and preparative measurement results that are fully automated, highly reliable, and available almost in real-time.”
"For over 15 years, Analytical Studio has been delivering our R&D clients analytical and preparative measurement results that are fully automated, highly reliable, and available almost in real-time.
Always in close cooperation, Virscidian finds customer-specific solutions for every process issue, no matter how complex or specific. Our data visualization processes are always a little ahead of the state of the art.
Analytical Studio empowers you to easily display complex analysis results in a browser without missing important details of the analyte. Results are always at your fingertips, available quickly, no matter where they are measured or viewed, enhancing your efficiency."
“The reliable results it produces have reduced costs and expedited data processing.”
"I am writing this testimonial to express my immense satisfaction with your software and the exceptional support provided by your team. Your software has been a game-changer for me and my research team in pharmaceutical Research and Development.
I want to thank you for enabling the successful implementation of the High Throughput Purification (HTP) Workflow in 2021. Virscidian's expert knowledge of mass spectrometry and chromatography has accelerated automated data interpretation. This tool has been essential in our HTP workflow implementation, enabling our analytical chemists to confidently make complex decisions with large amounts of data. The reliable results it produces have reduced costs and expedited data processing.
We have extended Virscidian's support to other projects, e.g. High Throughput Experiment (HTE) and Affinity Selection Mass spectrometry (ASMS) workflows within our company. The Virscidian support team has consistently demonstrated a pleasant and engaged attitude. Your expertise and commitment to customer satisfaction have exceeded our expectations.
I would like to highlight the invaluable contributions of Chief Scientific Officer, Mark Bayliss, to the High Throughput Purification (HTP) Project. Mark effectively maintained professional communications between teams. His leadership and expertise made him an exceptional partner during the design process.
The implementation of the Virscidian HTP workflow has been a resounding success, providing us with state-of-the-art purification capabilities that will greatly accelerate our research programs. We sincerely appreciate the continuous support you have provided. Please convey our thanks to your team for their invaluable assistance and contributions."
Lead of Analytical Chemistry and High Throughput Purification
Global Discovery Chemistry, An Industry-leading Pharmaceutical Company
Linkedin“I highly recommend working with Virscidian…”
"My team and I were tasked with building an ASMS platform, which involved finding data analytics solutions. Analytical Studio was recommended to us by industry partners and enabled data analysis of high throughput and high density ASMS workflows. Large full deck libraries could be compressed to high densities and analyzed using a variety of mass spec metrics such as more conventional peak area/intensities, retention times, ppm errors, and more advanced analyses like isotopic pattern matching, isomer tracking, and false positive analysis. The ultimate implication was that my team and I were able to support pipeline projects from early technical feasibility studies to full hit identification screening campaigns as well as at various stages of an assay cascade. Furthermore, Virscidian’s team of scientists were always available for training and support when working with our primary workflow and open to discussion for workflow improvement and customization opportunities. I highly recommend working with Virscidian their team of expert scientists."
Former Lab Head of a High Throughput Mass Spec Team at a global pharmaceutical company
Linkedin“…effective partner in customizing a solution to meet our needs.”
"Working in high throughput purification (HTP) and later in high throughput experimentation (HTE), there has always been a need to manage vast amounts of data and rapidly make decisions to proceed to the next steps. With their ability to manage, analyze and report data from multiple instrument vendors, Virscidian has proven to be an effective partner in customizing a solution to meet our needs. Early implementation of the method selector tool to analyze method scouting screen to present the best condition for purification eased the manual burden of the purification workflow. Optimizing the automated connection to the ELN, for both sample submission and final reporting, further improved the efficiency of our workflow while improving the integrity of the data.
With this successful collaboration in full implementation, it was a natural extension to explore Analytical Studio workflow to address the needs of HTE for reaction optimization. Digesting the complexity of the Design of Experiment (DOE) and transferring the information of the expect products, by-products, catalyst, solvent, conditions, etc. into the data analysis while offering facile visualization of the results was a gamechanger for this workflow. The Experiment Builder (EB) can connect to the internal databases for reagent, solvents, and substrates to provide a recipe for the execution of the designed experiment, with flexibility to perform manually or fully automated with connection to a liquid handler.
Virscidian’s team has been a responsive partner, open to suggestions and efficient in providing timely solutions."
Former Associate Research Fellow
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